Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Here are some reminders:
  • KoC tickets. Please bring the money in ASAP
  • Our sleepover at the Clarence arena is coming up so please sign-up
  • The BP banquet is not far off so don't forget to purchase your tickets
  • Winter camp is held at Tucker House on the 1st weekend of March. Please don't forget to sign up.
That's it. :o)

Shere Khan


I think our CampJJ outing last Saturday was quite fun.

We had to endure fairly cold weather (-16degC , -25 with the wind) but we were somewhat sheltered by the trees.

We collected maple staffs for each cub so they can make and decorate walking sticks. These should last a lifetime and are useful on hikes. We will also decorate them for the Rumble in the Jungle camp in June (more info to come on that).

Lunch is always fun to cook over a camp fire and the kids can be quite resourceful. Here are some examples : boil in the bag, hamburger, pizza, etc...

I'm proud to say that I made myself a homemade pizza pocket (very big pocket). My son wanted some bannock to wrap around a wiener (bannogo ... bannock+pogo). I took the extra dough and rolled it flat. I then added some pizza sauce, pepperoni, hot peppers, olives and cheese. I wrapped the lot up nicely. I sprayed foil with Pam and wrapped the pocket in it. I cooked it for about 10 minutes per side on the fire. I took it out of the foil and cooked it for about another minute on each side. Mmmm pizza pocket. :o)

I know some of you are saying: "What the hell is boil in the bag" ? Well I don't feel like explaining it here but Google it and you should find tons of info. This is making me think that maybe we (Rockland pack or other groups) should share our knowledge and skills. I think when I have some time and umph I'll add a "resource" section to our website where we can show or talk about interesting and especially educative stuff. We could add a cooking section, crafts, etc...

Anyways, I'm digressing now.

We sent the kids off on a scavenger hunt. They had to find among other things: rabbit poop and deer tracks. I think they had fun. :o)

Turned out to be a great day.
Shere Khan

Ooops !

The sleepover on the 24th of February is at the Clarence arena not the Rockland one as previously stated on our calendar. Sorry 'bout that. :o)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Welcome Back

Hi everyone,

Welcome back. Hope you all had good holiday celebrations. No one got coal for Xmas ? Good. :o)

A new year has started and we have alot of activities planned: hike, sleepover, BP banquet, working on kub cars, winter camp ... all in less than 2 months. Expect some more info on those events.

REMINDER: Don't forget the KC tickets and money !!!

Our 1st meeting back was this week. It was marked by a special pizza supper given to the Wolverine six ( Ryan, Nick, Tyler and Ryan ). The Wolverines led the pack in points per cub. For those of you who have forgotten we have implemented a points system this year. :o) The competition was close but they won fair and square.

1st Rant of 2006:
***Start of Rant****
There are 2 things I need to get off my chest:

1. I'm getting tired of kids sulking and whining if they are not teamed up with their buddies when we are doing games or activities. There's nothing wrong in feeling disappointed you're not with your friend but whining about it and actually opt out of a game because of that is quite annoying.

2. Cubs (if any of you actually read this) , please accept your fate during a game. If you are disqualified, "out" or "it" , PLEASE stop whining and arguing about it. Games are only a few minutes and we play tons of them throughout the year. When a leader tells you you're out ... you're out.

Phew, now I feel better. I know, I know they are just kids and they are behaving as kids do but such a thought does not make our lives as leaders any easier. :o) Maybe, it's just me but it seems alot worse this year. Or maybe we have a few more competitive cubs that don't like to loose. Competitiveness is good but humility is good also. :o) ..... allright enough already.

***End of Rant****

Let's all work as a team.
Have a great scouting year every one

Sher Khan