Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hi Pack,

November 28, 29 is our sleepover at the Clarence Creek arena.

Bring your Skates, helmets, sleeping bags, mess kit and a good attitude to help make this a fun adventure for all of us!

If you are joining us for the Public Skate, then please arrive at 1800 so you can put your stuff upstairs beforehand.

If you don't have your skating badge, this will be a perfect opportunity for you to earn it, so bring your Cub Book.

We have lots of special activities planned and cost will depend on how many are going so let us know if you can come ASAP.

See you there,


Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hey Arctic Wolves,

Remember that this week's meeting is at Hathi and Akela's house. If you don't have a map let us know and we'll email it to you. Check the contacts page for our info.

7pm in full uniform please, and bring your mug for hot chocolate.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fall Cuboree

Hi all,

The first camp of the year takes place on the 19-21 of September at Apple Hill.

We'll go over what to bring and what not to bring at the first meeting.

It looks to be an awesome weekend, so bring your GOOD attitude, and have a GREAT time.

See you at the campfire at Tucker House on the 10th, full uniform please.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

June Newsletter

Hi folks,

We are fast approaching the end of the cubbing year. I've uploaded a PDF of the June newletter that will handed out at tonight's meeting.

June Newsletter Download

Shere Khan

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

IMPORTANT - Senior Cub Camp Update

The senior cub camp scheduled for April 11-13 has been postponed to May 9-11

Click here for more info.

Shere Khan

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kub Kar Rally Coming Up

This year the kub kar rally will be held on April 5th in Place d'Orleans.
See handout to this effect.

Shere Khan

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Telesat Tour

This past Tuesday, our meeting was held at the Telesat facilities in Gloucester. There were 16 cubs and 3 leaders present. I think it turned out to be a great event.

Kids arrived at 7pm and received an official and personalized building pass (that they get to keep). We proceeded to the Satellite Control Centre (SCC) where a most gracious host (Mike Ryer) gave the group a great presentation on the SCC and its role within Telesat. The kids also got a chance to see the SCC from behind a window.
Above: Watching the presentationAbove: Taking a peek at the SCC room

After the SCC we proceeded to the R&D Lab. The SCC is where the satellites are controlled and monitored but the R&D lab shows off the various applications that are employed over satellite (ie: broadcast, broadband, etc...). The kids got to see some fancy videoconferencing applications, medical(ultrasound) application and the famous HD Movie Theatre room (showcases eCinema).

It wasn't long that 8:15pm was upon us. We left the R&D lab and headed back towards the entrance where the parents were patiently waiting (we were about 10 minutes late). On the way to the entrance we took a group shot in front of the rocket "fairing". This piece is part of an enclosure that houses the satellite during the launch. It is dismantled prior to pushing the bird into space and the fairing pieces fall into the ocean. This time (possibly a 1st time ever) a piece was recovered by a local fisherman and eventually made its way to Telesat. Pretty cool.

Group pic in front of fairing.

I think this was a great (fun and informative) experience for the kids and adults alike.
Shere Khan.

PS : Reminders:
1. There is NO meeting next week.
2. The following week (after march break) please bring in your completed cub cars for an in-house race
3. Have a great march break.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Reminder - Telesat Tour

Hi Pack,
Just a reminder that tomorrow's meeting will NOT be in the gym as usual but at the Telesat facilities at 7pm.

Unfortunately space is limited so only leaders and youth can attend. Parents, there is a Timmies close by so you can have some coffee in the meantime. (there's also Gloucester Centre and a Royal Oak close by)

The address is : 1601 Telesat Court, Gloucester. Take the 174 west bound and get off at Blair. Take Blair South and turn right on Meadowbrook (at the lights) and take the 1st or 2nd entrance and drive up to the front of building which faces Blair rd.

Pick up is at 8-8:15pm.

Shere Khan

Monday, February 25, 2008

Winter Camp

Hi Pack,

Wow what a winter camp !
I hope you all had fun. This weekend was jam packed with activities. Here's a summary of what we did:

Friday Night :
  • Arrival was between : 7-8pm with the "SlowNeal's" arriving late.
  • A leather craft was setup for those who were interested. Others could play games.
  • Bed at 10pm (however some were still awake at midnight)
  • Leaders light's out pas 12:30am
Saturday :
  • Leader/parent wake-up at : 6:30am
  • Cub wake-up (pots & pans) at : 7:00am
  • Grand Howl opening. This is different from the "normal" opening we do in the gym. Really cool.
  • Breakfast @ 8:30am
  • Snowshoe hike
  • Skaking and/or burling. Burling is a 1st Rockland exclusive game that is a mix between curling and bowling ... really fun. Some of the kids opted for skating. However designated area was pretty bumpy (good for broom ball though) so we shoveled a new area that was quite good.
  • Lunch at 12:00
  • Tobogganing. Here Akela did his usual score cards, giving points to the best wipeouts and believe me we had many.
  • Afternoon craft : God's Eye which is a Mexican/Mayan traditional craft
  • Free time. Here the cubs spread out to various activities. Some did tobogganing, others played in the small park while others went x-country skiing.
  • Supper at 5pm
  • Practicing of skits (some free time for indoor games)
  • Camp fire with skits, cheers and songs.
  • Mug up
  • Light's out at 10pm. This time however the kids were asleep very quickly
  • Leaders/parents played cards 'till 12-12:30am
  • Leaders/parent wakeup at 7am
  • Youth wakeup (no pots & pans) at 7:30am. In our pack, the kids, when they wakeup, have to get dressed and brush their teeth. On the last day they also have to have everything packed and ready to go. All this before breakfast. However breakfast was at 8:30 so that gave them less than an hour to do all this. Needless to say that alot were not done. Lessoned learned.
  • Breakfast at 8:30
  • Scout's Own
  • Broom ball game and burling
  • Lunch
  • Free time. Some opted for skiing, others snowshoeing and others tobogganing.
  • Pick-up was between 2-3pm
All in all this was a great weekend. The kids were "generally" well behaved, the food was good (well not everybody thinks so...) and the weather was excellent (this everybody agrees on). We had 19 kids and 9 adults.

This camp is located near Val des Bois (see map), Quebec and it is called : Camp de l'AmitiƩ. It has been there since 1964. I think it's an all-around very good camp and I would recommend it. However it boils down to opinion, expectations and past experiences so don't take my word for it.

I'd like to thank all the leaders Hathi (Christine Rozon) and Akela (Bill Cain) and for this well planned and executed event. I'd also like to thank the parent volunteers who attended, for without them these events would not be so : Carol, Craig, Laura, Scouter Christine, Scouter Mark and Tracy.

Shere Khan

PS: Pics and videos have been uploaded

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Winter Camp Handouts

For those who did not get the handouts here are a couple of links for download:

Equipment list

Here's a "Google Maps" Link as well:

Camp de l'Amitie

Drop off is between 7-8pm tomorrow (Friday) night and pick-up is between 2-2:30pm on Sunday.

I really apologize for not getting this info on the web sooner. It may be too late but better late than never I guess. :-)

Shere Khan

Monday, February 04, 2008

News Update

Wow it's been a while since I've posted ... sorry.

As you know the Wolverines won the 1st heat. We haven't agreed on a prize yet but very soon.

January was quite exciting we had our annual Mad Trapper event at CampJJ. What a blast. The kids did snow shelter building, winter fire building, tobogganing and I think the highlight was the dog sledding. A local firefighter who dog sleds on his spare time gave the kids a good time. The weather was quite cold. I think it was minus 26 that saturday morning. However it did warm up to minus 11 that day. See pics.

February promises to be quite busy too. They had a Cubaree this past weekend for the 1st and 2nd year cubs. The 3rd year cubs had the option of attending the Scouts Sub-Zero camp for the day.

The winter camp is coming up soon at the end of February. Please don't for get to sign-up (this week) and pay.

DON'T forget that this week's AND next week's Tuesday meeting is at Bill's (Akela) place. We will be cutting out the kars in Bill's workshop.

Shere Khan

Monday, January 07, 2008

Welcome Back

Welcome back Cubs.
Hope you all had a good break. I wish all of you the best of everything for 2008.

Our 1st meeting is tomorrow, same time, same place.

By the way, the winners of the 1st heat are the : Wolverines (see our points page). We will determine what the prize will be and give it out real soon (sorry for the delay) :-)

best regards,

Shere Khan