Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Bring back Akela to me.....

Bring back, bring back, oh bring back Akela to me, to me
Bring back, bring back, oh bring back Akela to me
(Sung to the tune of My Bonnie)

So the Cubs officially said their farewell to Akela as he 'woofed' them off via telephone last Tuesday.  Last we heard, he was in Germany and had made some new friends on the flight over and had even seen some old friends from home.  We all hope that he is doing well - he can check in on our blog from time to time and see what we are up to while he is away.  If he knew the date that he was flying back home, he should send it to us and we could start a count down!

Last night's meeting was awesome.  Nearly all of the Cubs were there (we were only missing two - we missed you Evan and Ethan) and everyone brought their dues.  What?  No push ups?  The leaders were amazed! Looks like everyone is getting into the the swing of things.  After our opening, Mang awarded the Cubs who attended the Winter Camp and/or Winter Cuboree with the Winter Cubbing badge.  Way to go, guys!  Can't wait to see those badges on your sash - wear them proudly, you earned them!!

After opening, we headed outside where we watched the space station and Discovery sail through the night sky, what a sight to see!  While we were out there waiting, some of the Cubs even remembered the constellations that we had identified during our campfire at Winter Camp and Rikki showed them where to find Jupiter.

Back inside, Rikki had organized a game of Jeopardy based on Canada's Food Guide.  It was Sharks + Manta Rays vs. Cobras + Scorpions.  With the money the earned during the game, they were able to purchase a variety of fruits to make smoothies (rumour had it that Rikki was going to bring beans, pickles and mushrooms instead - what a sense of humour Mongeese have).  It was a close game with the Cobras/Scorpions coming in at $2300 and the Sharks/Manta Rays at $1900.  These Cubs are super smart!!  While Baloo, Bagheera, Chil and Rikki were whipping up the smoothies, Mang had a discussion with the Cubs on what being a vegetarian is all about - the different kinds of vegetarians, the good vs. the bad side of being vegetarian.  Some of the Cubs were surprised to find out that they sometimes eat vegetarian meals like PB&J and macaroni & cheese.  Mang promised the pack a delicious vegetarian breakfast at camp on Sunday.

We had a quick talk before closing about our Kub Kars, we're all getting really excited for camp!  All the Cubs seem to have such great ideas, they are going to look great!  Rikki has got a ridiculous amount of power tools and he is bringing the tents to sleep in on Saturday night, we've got a giant game of Twister, we're doing some skating and making some Kub Kars.  How is that for a fun-filled weekend?  I can hardly wait. 

So, Akela, if you're reading this - meetings aren't the same without you. The Cubs miss you but have been on their best behaviour since you've left.  Hey, wait a minute.... I wonder if there's any correlation between the two...... ???