Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Odawa Fall Cubaree

What a blast !! This year's Odawa fall cubaree was tons of fun. It was held at the Apple Hill Scouting Reserve in Apple Hill Ontario. (see previous post for location info).

The event was organized by Scouter Bill Cain (1st Rockland's Akela) but certain tasks and duties were delegated as needed. Thanks Scouter Bill.

Other thanks to Scouter Jeff (Rockland's Group Commissioner) for manning the kitchen. Many thanks to scouter Joanne from ? (can't remember which group she's from) and to all others who helped (leaders and parent volunteers). (please don't take offense if I forgot your name). Without that kind've help and commitment events like this would never happen. Oh I almost forgot to thank the kids for being understanding, patient and smiling (despite the weather).

The camp was from Friday September 22nd to Sunday September 24th.

Friday was to setup, get acquainted and synchronize the weekend. The kids had a snack, there was a small informal campfire and they played "flashlight tag". It did not rain but the night was a bit chilly.

Saturday was the big day. We basically woke up to a downpour but fortunately the temperature was quite warm. The youth were separated into groups and sent off to the various activities: leather craft (bracelet), relay race, fossil hunt (real fossils) and the obstacle course. Based on some "informal" surveys, the fossil hunt and the obstacle course were the top activities. The fossils were real marine life fossils and the obstacle course featured a rope bridge that spanned across a pond. Here's a pic of the rope bridge:

One "unofficial" activity was grub eating (giving literal meaning to the term : lets get some grub). We got this idea from an arborist who happened to be on site that day. He told us about a grub that lives inside the stem of the golden-rod plant. This grub eventually turns into the "goldenrod gall fly". He mentioned that the grub is edible but also eatable. After trying it and showing it to some of the kids, it became quite a hit (yes they actually ate the grubs ... they have a nutty taste to them)

Other than eating grubs, breakfast comprised of pancakes and sausages. Lunch was chicken noodle soup with sandwich and supper was spaghetti with cesar salad. Mmmm salad ... :o)

We had the traditional camp fire at night. The groups did various songs, cheers and skits and Scouter John (from 1st Rockland) did his 'scary' story. (I'm forgetting the name of the Scouter who MCed the camp fire ... sorry about that but thanks alot for your efforts). :o)

Sunday was the time to pack, have breakfast, have a scouts own and play a little bit. The sun was finally out but boy was it windy.

Here are some numbers:

65 youth
18 leaders
5 parent volunteers

Groups that were present:
1st Greenwood (white fang and red fang)
2nd Orleans
92nd Ottawa
1st Rockland Scouts

Again, thanks to all who helped. Hope you had fun.

Shere Khan

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