Tuesday, November 06, 2007

A few things

Here's what has been happening:

The Halloween party went very well. The kids had fun tasting and feeling gross stuff like crickets, blood, brains and .... wait for it ..... baby food. It was hilarious. Some of them had more trouble tasting baby food (they had to guess what it was) than eating a real cricket. The costumes were quite good.

The day at JJ last Saturday was a success. We did a small hike, collected some maple shoots to make walking staffs. The kids learned how to use a pocket knife and they did very well at whittling their staff. One more knife session and they should get their knife permit. From then on they are aloud to bring/use pocket knifes at various activities (pending leader and parent permission). The kids also learned how to make billy cans and cook over a fire. All in all a great day.

Coming up we have the remembrance day parade. See calendar or handout for more info.

I'll try and post some pics of those events ...

Shere Khan

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