Monday, September 24, 2007

1st Rockland Arctic Cub Pack Points System

A pack points system has been part of Cubbing for many packs around the country/world and the tradition goes back many years. We tried it out last year and although there were kinks along the way, things seemed to go okay.

As you may know the pack is divided into “sixes” which is a team of 4-5 cubs. Each six is given a name (ie: Scorpions, Wolverines, etc…). Each Cub will be able to earn (or lose) points for various reasons and the points affect the Six as a whole.

Points per six are tallied every week and displayed in the gym so members can follow their progress. There will be two “heats” and one overall standing. The first heat will comprise of points accredited between October December. The second heat will be from January ‘till May. There will be various prizes to be given for the winning sixes.

Cubs get points for:
• Meeting attendance = 1pt
• Dues = 1pt
• Appearance = 5 points
• Special Event attendance = 5pts
• Badges = 10pts
• Stars = 15pts
• Awards = 20pts

Cubs can earn extra points (leader’s discretion) at anytime for activities or behaviors above and beyond the call of duty. However points can be taken away just as easily for misuse of language, etc…

Shere Khan

Another Camp Come and Gone

Just as the cubbing season started it's well under way. This past weekend we had a wonderful camp at the Apple Hill Scouting reserve.

Thanks to Akela for putting this together yet again. Thanks to the parents and all else who helped out. Without so much help such a camp would not be possible.

If I remember the numbers, we had 98 cubs and 47 parents/adults. Not bad at all for an early camp.

The weather was just perfect. Warm and dry during the days and nice and cool at night. The kids had tons of fun. I was part of a group of about 25 cubs with two other leaders. Our 1st activity as to build some fortifications using cedar logs. We learned a few knots and lashing techniques. Our 2nd activity was a nice and relaxing craft. This brought us to lunch. After lunch we (well the kids ...not me) did a Zulu Warrior obstacle course. We then proceeded to the "pea shooter" and sling shot range (really cool). We of course had supper and the traditional camp fire.

On Sunday we had a "water" fight using sponges and catapults that scouter Christine L-M. and Scouter Christine R. built (really good job too). It was mayhem (but really cool), sponges were flying like crazy, leaders got attacked and so did scouter Bill.

Anyways, I think it was a great camp. I'll let you know when the pics are uploaded.

Shere Khan

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Map to Apple Hill

Here's a map to the Apple Hill Scouting Reserve.
It's the "fire" icon close to Alexandria . Use the "+" and "-" buttons to zoom in and out. Try out the "Hyb" button, pretty cool. YIS. Shere Khan

View Larger Map

Monday, September 17, 2007

Up-Coming Events

September 21-23 – Odawa Fall Cubaree
  • Apple Hill Scouting Reserve
  • Drop off Friday between 6-6:30pm
  • Pick up Sunday between 11-11:30am
  • Cost : $40 per cub / $15.00 per parent volunteer

September 29 – Apple Day

  • Rain or shine (so dress for the weather)
  • At the Chamberland building for 9am
  • BBQ to follow

October 6th – Car Wash / Bake Sale

  • Rain or shine
  • At Rockland City Hall
  • 9am – 2pm
  • Please bring baked goods (pies, cookies, breads, etc…)
  • Lunch provided

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Odawa Cubaree Information

Odawa Cubaree Information

When: Friday Sept.21st-Sunday Sept. 23rd

Location : Apple Hill Scouting Reserve

Drop off : Friday between 6-6:30pm

Pick-up : Sunday between 11-11:30am

Camp Cost :

Cubs : $40.00

Parent Volunteers : $15.00

Below is a list of what to bring but it is not by all means complete. Please use common sense and monitor the weather and modify your list accordingly.

  • Sleeping Bag

  • Mess Kit

  • Warm clothes (send extras, especially extra socks and t-shirts)

  • Warm PJs

  • Toiletries

  • Rain gear

  • Jacket

  • Water bottle

  • Flashlight

  • Rain boots

  • Hat

  • Campfire blanket

  • Sleeping mat (no air mattress please !!)

  • A smile

For more information please visit our website at :

Please don't hesitate to contact any of our leaders:

Akela (Bill Cain) : 833-1395 /
Shere Khan (Guy Bigras): 446-3372 /
Christine Rozon: 446-3967 /

Sunday, September 09, 2007

New Cubbing Year

Well a new cubbing season is on the horizon.

Our 1st encounter will be this Wednesday at Tucker house from 7-8:30pm rain-or-shine. Then our 1st meeting of the year will be on Sept. 18th at Rockland Public School from 7-8:30pm

This year promises to be jam packed with fun (again). Get ready for many hikes, camps and other activities.

Keep an eye on this blog and website calendar for information on up-coming events.

Shere Khan.