Monday, September 24, 2007

Another Camp Come and Gone

Just as the cubbing season started it's well under way. This past weekend we had a wonderful camp at the Apple Hill Scouting reserve.

Thanks to Akela for putting this together yet again. Thanks to the parents and all else who helped out. Without so much help such a camp would not be possible.

If I remember the numbers, we had 98 cubs and 47 parents/adults. Not bad at all for an early camp.

The weather was just perfect. Warm and dry during the days and nice and cool at night. The kids had tons of fun. I was part of a group of about 25 cubs with two other leaders. Our 1st activity as to build some fortifications using cedar logs. We learned a few knots and lashing techniques. Our 2nd activity was a nice and relaxing craft. This brought us to lunch. After lunch we (well the kids ...not me) did a Zulu Warrior obstacle course. We then proceeded to the "pea shooter" and sling shot range (really cool). We of course had supper and the traditional camp fire.

On Sunday we had a "water" fight using sponges and catapults that scouter Christine L-M. and Scouter Christine R. built (really good job too). It was mayhem (but really cool), sponges were flying like crazy, leaders got attacked and so did scouter Bill.

Anyways, I think it was a great camp. I'll let you know when the pics are uploaded.

Shere Khan

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