Monday, September 24, 2007

1st Rockland Arctic Cub Pack Points System

A pack points system has been part of Cubbing for many packs around the country/world and the tradition goes back many years. We tried it out last year and although there were kinks along the way, things seemed to go okay.

As you may know the pack is divided into “sixes” which is a team of 4-5 cubs. Each six is given a name (ie: Scorpions, Wolverines, etc…). Each Cub will be able to earn (or lose) points for various reasons and the points affect the Six as a whole.

Points per six are tallied every week and displayed in the gym so members can follow their progress. There will be two “heats” and one overall standing. The first heat will comprise of points accredited between October December. The second heat will be from January ‘till May. There will be various prizes to be given for the winning sixes.

Cubs get points for:
• Meeting attendance = 1pt
• Dues = 1pt
• Appearance = 5 points
• Special Event attendance = 5pts
• Badges = 10pts
• Stars = 15pts
• Awards = 20pts

Cubs can earn extra points (leader’s discretion) at anytime for activities or behaviors above and beyond the call of duty. However points can be taken away just as easily for misuse of language, etc…

Shere Khan

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